Milena Ribarova (DigiTech): Chatbots and virtual assistants are not something new for Bulgarian businesses

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PARA (Professional Association of Robotics and Automation), an organization that promotes robotic and automation companies, and DigiTech Consult a Bulgarian company and major provider of RPA, conversational AI, and chatbot services in the Balkans, are happy to announce their partnership. DigiTech Consult has become a member of the Association last month.

This is an interview of Kristyan Mihailov, co-founder of PARA, with Milena Ribarova, founder of DigiTech Consult Ltd. Kristiyan had a chance to meet with the company in a tech event this May, understanding the significant value DigiTech provides to their clients.

Who is DigiTech Consult? What is your mission?

Milena: Similar to PARA, we aim to help Bulgarian companies to grow through constant innovative IT solutions to support their business and make their activity more effective and help them succeed. We are one of the very few partners of UiPath in the region. This gives us the right to offer licensing, development, and maintenance of UiPath robots in Europe. Moreover, we are partnering with DRUID AI for full service on the development and implementation of intelligent virtual assistants. We also extend our automation portfolio with a partnership with Creatio. Check out our partners here!

We believe that every solution is personalized and according to the needs of each client. Moreover, we provide End-to-End solutions, so that we can provide the best services to our clients. We help our customers to identify and optimize their processes by consulting them on what they can improve, and which software solution is the most suitable for their needs.

What is the perception of Bulgarian businesses about chatbots? Can you compare it with the rest of the world?

Milena: Chatbots and virtual assistants are not something new for Bulgarian businesses. Their interest has started growing significantly in the last few years. However, if we compare the number of companies that use a chatbot here and abroad we will see that chatbots are a lot more popular there. But we are happy that many companies have started looking for automation solutions to optimize their processes.

Both RPA and Chatbots can find applications in every industry and the benefits of using a chatbot are numerous. RPA can automize order processing, analysis and filling up data, and much more. While, for example, HR chatbots can simplify the hiring process and minimize the work of HR agents. Another interesting example is a healthcare chatbot that can automate the process of scheduling appointments and answering questions. The most popular chatbot choice is for customer service. If you want to learn more about how chatbots can help your business, you can read here. Both RPA and chatbots are automation solutions that can save you time and improve the work processes while cutting operational costs. But they also can bring customer satisfaction and sales to a whole new level. This is still an area where the Bulgarian business can learn a lot.

In which industries chatbots can find applications?

Milena: In terms of which industry is more open to chatbot solutions, it is the banking industry, followed by the insurance and healthcare industry. In the banking industry, a conversation with a chatbot saves up to 70% of the employees’ time. But we find opportunities in every industry so we make these solutions accessible to almost every organization.

What are your plans for the next 5 years?

Milena: Our plans are to become a serious player in the innovations area in Bulgaria as much as we grow in the markets. To be a recognized brand helping businesses to grow. I hope many organizations will rely on us to find the best way to automate intelligently. We believe that in 5 years the trend that already exists in Europe- a robot for every person would be applied in Bulgaria as well. Our mission is to bring those technologies to serve Humans better, and more.

Why did you join PARA?

Milena: Our motivation to join PARA is that we want to grow and meet other robotic companies and startups to inspire each other, and maybe create something great together. We think that we have to contribute more to the education of the new generation of students towards innovation, robotics, and AI so they can find easily their place in the business world one day. With PARA we can form a good platform for communication and organization of such studies, presentations, and training to students in schools and universities. We believe that our partnership with PARA will give us the opportunity to do that and much more. We are very pleased with this collaboration and cannot wait to see what will happen.

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Основание: Годишен членски внос